About me

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Hey, I’m Daniel Yerimah popularly known as Deewyne. I’m a former Aviator turned Musician, Software developer, YouTuber, Digital entreprenuer and author (and I’m a life-long student of sales and marketing)

I’m an excellent definition of a multi-potentialite. Growing up, one question I had difficulty answering was, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” while many kids would easily choose the famous option of “A doctor, An Engineer and A Lawyer”, I was different. I had many interest and creative pursuit but none included these three. Even though I knew I wanted to be more, I had no idea what “more” looked like. So I just allowed my heart lead me.

Oh yes! it did lead me. At age 10, I realised I had artistic abilities. I picked interest in music and fine arts. While I grew to become a multi-hypenate with the former, I lost interest in the later because I had an unlikeable arts teacher. 

As a teen I got really good at making music. So in collaboration with my friends, I formed a boy band which was famous in secondary school and we went on to win several local awards. I also excelled greatly at academics and that led me to represent my school in different competitions all of which I won. My academic exploits got me into elite conversations that earned me a recommendation to study flight operations which was one of my many childhood interest. So after college, I got accepted to study flight operations at the Nigeria college of Aviation which gave me a shot at working with one of the prestigious airlines in Nigeria on a temporal basis until the airline packed up and I was down to zero. Even though I was able to thick this childhood fantasy off my bucket list, I was faced with the challenge of starting from scratch. 

I never stopped dreaming and picking up interests. At some point I thought having multiple interest was a burden but each time it turns out to be a super power because it helped me bounce back after a disappointment or a failed venture. No matter what life throws at you, you must never stop dreaming and innovating.

Armed with the skill to teach, I started a tutoring business which grew from one student to over a thousand students with lots of success stories. I further delved deeper into music and made my solo debut in 2015, I have greatly excelled at doing that. You can listen to my releases. I would be glad to have you as a fan

I stumbled on digital marketing when I need to promote my music and couldn’t find any resource that could help me. I was excited about the possibilities that exist on the internet, and so I started learning, teaching myself how to build websites using no-code tools. Then I found SEO, email marketing and PPC ads. These skills changed my life. I founded an agency that offers 360 digital marketing services to businesses across different industries.

As you already figured my knack for learning is insatiable. This lead me into the field of software development, then technical writing and blogging.

I went through all this to show you that I have walked the talk and still learning and walking with the aim of sharing my knowledge and helping enough young people. most especially those who are like me with multiple interest, and who sometimes feel helpless, find the resource, information and guidance they need to live their dreams.

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