6 Limiting Beliefs Keeping You Broke

Limiting Beliefs Keeping you broke

Being broke is a mindset and being rich is a mindset. So choose your mindset!

But not so fast! you can’t just affirm it in…

A mindset is built through investment. Whether you like it or not, know it or not, you are constantly investing in your mind everyday. Infact, where you are right now, whether rich or poor, fulfilled or unfulfilled, successful or not, is a result of the compound interest of your mindset over the years.

Before you start pointing fingers to any external factor such as people, events and circumstances, take a look at the man in the mirror, YOU!

The issue of the mind is so important that the bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. You can not grow beyond the level of your mindset.

Starting from today, you are either going to consciously take control of the investment in your mind or allow your environment to do it for you.

 Today, we’re diving into a topic that hits home for a lot of us: Limiting beliefs.

What are Limiting Beliefs?

These are the silent killers of our dreams, the invisible chains holding us back from the life we truly want. Specifically, we’re going to uncover the six limiting beliefs that are stopping you from becoming rich. Let’s get right into it.

Nine(9) out of ten(10) times, the only person holding you back is you. Your indecisions, procrastination and reluctance in doing the things that move the needle in your life, health, relationship and finance.

So let’s look up some of those common limiting beliefs holding you down from the life you truly want. First, we have…

Belief 1 – Money is the Root of all evil

This belief is deeply ingrained in many of us, often from a young age. But let’s be real here – money itself is neutral. It’s a tool, a resource. It’s not the money that’s evil; it’s the intention behind it. If you believe money is evil, you’ll subconsciously push it away. Instead, think of money as a way to amplify your positive impact.

Imagine what you could do with more money. You could support causes you care about, provide for your family, create opportunities for others. Shift your perspective from viewing money as evil to seeing it as a means of doing good.

Belief 2 – Rich people are greedy.

This belief stems from stereotypes and negative media portrayals. Sure, some wealthy individuals are greedy, but so are some poor people too. Wealth doesn’t automatically make someone greedy. Many rich people are incredibly generous and use their wealth to make a positive difference.

Money is an amplifier, it only magnifies your innate character, personality and traits. If you are a greedy or terrible person money will amplify it and give it a voice. If you are a generous and noble person money will also give it a voice.

Instead of generalizing, look at the specific actions of individuals. Model yourself after those who use their wealth for good, and let go of the notion that being rich means being greedy.

Curate your social media, follow people of proven character who are where you want to be

Belief 3 – I don’t deserve to be rich

This belief often comes from feelings of inadequacy or low self-worth. You might think, “Who am I to be wealthy when so many others are struggling?” But here’s the truth – everyone deserves to live a life of abundance.

You have unique talents, skills, and perspectives that can bring value to the world. Wealth isn’t just about accumulating money; it’s about creating value and being compensated for that value. Believe in your worth and your ability to contribute.

Belief 4 – It’s too late to start

This belief is incredibly common, especially as we get older. But it’s never too late. There are countless examples of people who started new ventures, learned new skills, and achieved wealth later in life.

Think of Colonel Sanders, who founded KFC in his 60s, or Ray Kroc, who expanded McDonald’s in his 50s. Age is just a number. What’s more important is your willingness to take action now.

Belief 5 – I need money to make money

This is a classic limiting belief. While having capital can certainly help, it’s not a prerequisite for building wealth. Many successful entrepreneurs started with very little and leveraged their skills, creativity, and network to create opportunities.

Truth is God created everyone with the resources they need to succeed on earth. You came as a full option. You already have all you need, you just have to discover it, develop it and build a business around it. And even when you want to scale, you will have something of worth to bring to the table of negotiation.

Focus on what you can offer, what problems you can solve, and how you can add value. There are plenty of low-cost or no-cost ways to start a business or invest in your future. Resourcefulness often trumps resources.

Belief 6 – Success requires sacrificing my personal life

This belief can be incredibly detrimental. Yes, building wealth and achieving success takes effort and dedication, but it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your happiness or personal relationships.

It’s about finding balance and setting boundaries. Prioritize your health, relationships, and personal growth alongside your financial goals. Remember, true wealth includes your well-being and happiness, not just your bank account.

So there you have it, the six limiting beliefs stopping you from becoming rich. Challenge these beliefs, reframe your mindset, and take actionable steps towards your goals. Wealth is within your reach, but it starts with breaking free from these mental chains.

If you find value in this content, kindly leave a comment, share and let us know what limiting beliefs you are working on breaking.

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