12 Best SEO Tools for Beginners in 2024 Guide [Paid & Free]

In the glittering digital landscape of 2024, where countless websites compete for attention, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) stands as a beacon of visibility for businesses. SEO isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone of online success.

Imagine having a beautiful storefront hidden in a maze without a map.

That’s what a website without proper SEO is like. It can’t be found online, by potential customers.

In this guide, I will delve into the world of SEO, especially as it concerns beginners.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a budding entrepreneur, or a curious person looking to grow your online presence, understanding and implementing SEO is key.

But fear not, I got you!

At the end of this article you will find the best SEO tools for beginners in 2024 both paid and free that will give your website a chance in the sea of ​​over 1 billion websites on the internet.

So buckle up, Let’s dive right in

Why Use SEO tools as a Beginner

As a beginner venturing into the world of online visibility, SEO tools are your trusted companions. They simplify complex tasks, provide invaluable insights, and empower you to optimize your website for maximum visibility.

These tools are like having a skilled guide by your side, showing you the ropes and helping you make the most out of your online presence. But what exactly are the benefits of using these tools? Let’s break it down.

  1. Keyword Research Made Easy: SEO tools simplify the daunting task of keyword research. Instead of aimlessly guessing which keywords your audience is searching for, these tools provide valuable insights. They show you the search volume, competition, and related keywords, helping you target the most relevant terms for your content.
  2. Optimizing Your Pages: Ever wondered if your website is ticking all the right boxes for search engines? SEO tools come to the rescue! They analyze your website’s on-page elements like titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content, offering suggestions for improvement. It’s like having a virtual SEO expert giving you personalized tips to optimize your pages for better visibility.
  3. Spying on the Competition: Want to know what your competitors are up to? SEO tools let you peek behind the curtain and see what strategies others in your niche are using. From analyzing their keywords to dissecting their backlink profiles, you can gather valuable insights to inform your own SEO strategy.
  4. Tracking Your Progress: SEO is not a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process. With SEO tools, you can track your website’s performance over time. From monitoring keyword rankings to analyzing traffic trends, these tools give you a bird’s-eye view of your SEO efforts. Plus, they help you identify areas for improvement, so you can constantly refine your strategy and stay ahead of the curve.
  5. Analyzing Backlinks: Backlinks are like votes of confidence from other websites, signaling to search engines that your content is worth showing to users. SEO tools help you keep tabs on your backlink profile, showing you who’s linking to your site and which links are the most valuable. This insight allows you to build a strong backlink profile strategically, boosting your website’s authority in the eyes of search engines.

In essence, SEO tools are your secret weapons for conquering the digital landscape. So why go on the journey alone when you can harness the power of SEO tools to supercharge your online presence?

Criteria for Selecting SEO Tools

Some criteria to consider when deciding on what SEO tools to use as a beginner include

Ease of Use

Look for tools with intuitive interfaces that are easy to navigate, especially for beginners. Choose tools that offer straightforward setup instructions and minimal technical requirements.

Ensure the tool provides comprehensive documentation or tutorials to guide you through its features and functionalities.


Evaluate the pricing plans offered by different SEO tools and choose one that fits within your budget.

Consider tools that offer free trials or freemium versions, allowing you to test their features before committing to a paid plan. Assess the features and benefits offered by each tool in relation to its price to determine its overall value for your investment.


You may want to consider tools that offer a wide range of features to cover all aspects of SEO, including keyword research, on-page optimization, backlink analysis, rank tracking, and site audits.

Customer Support

Prioritize tools that offer prompt and reliable customer support to assist you with any issues or questions that may arise. Also check the availability of support channels, such as email, live chat, or phone support, and choose a tool that offers multiple options for contacting their support team.


Consider whether the tool can scale with your business as it grows and your SEO needs evolve.

Choose tools that offer flexible pricing plans or upgrade options to accommodate increasing demands or additional features.

12 Best SEO Tools for Beginners in 2024

Navigating the vast sea of SEO tools can be overwhelming, especially for beginners.

So I curated a list of the best SEO tools specifically tailored for newcomers like you. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the world of SEO or looking to level up your optimization game, these tools have got you covered. Let’s dive in and explore their features, pricing, pros, cons, and user experiences.


SEMrush image

SEMrush offers a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, including keyword research, site audits, backlink analysis, rank tracking, and more. Its user-friendly interface and robust features make it ideal for beginners.

Pricing: SEMrush offers various pricing plans starting from $99.95 per month, with a 7-day free trial available.

Pros: Extensive keyword database, competitor analysis, customizable reports, and excellent customer support.

Cons: Higher pricing compared to some other tools, steep learning curve for beginners.

User Experience: Users praise SEMrush for its powerful features and actionable insights, although some find it overwhelming at first.

Moz Pro

Moz Pro is a platform that provides a rich tool stack for keyword research, link building, site audits, rank tracking, and more. Its interface and step-by-step guidance make it beginner-friendly.

Pricing: Moz Pro offers pricing plans starting from $99 per month, with a 30-day free trial available.

Pros: Easy-to-understand metrics, comprehensive site analysis, helpful community forums, and educational resources.

Cons: Limited keyword tracking capabilities in lower-tier plans, occasional performance issues.

User Experience: Users appreciate Moz Pro for its actionable insights and educational content, although some find the pricing slightly steep for beginners.


Ahrefs is known for its robust features, including keyword research, site audits, backlink analysis, rank tracking, and more. Its extensive data make it a favorite among beginners.

Ahref is arguably one of the best SEO tools available in 2024

Pricing: Ahrefs offers pricing plans starting from $99 per month, with a 7-day trial available for $7.

Pros: Comprehensive backlink analysis, keyword difficulty score, content explorer, and responsive customer support.

Cons: Higher pricing compared to some other tools, limited keyword tracking in lower-tier plans.

User Experience: Users rave about Ahrefs for its ease of use and comprehensive data, although some find the learning curve steep initially.


Ubersuggest offers keyword research, site audits, backlink analysis, rank tracking, and more. Its simple interface and affordability make it suitable for beginners.

Pricing: Ubersuggest offers pricing plans starting from $12 per month, with a limited free version available.

Pros: Affordable pricing, user-friendly interface, comprehensive keyword data, and competitive analysis.

Cons: Limited features compared to some other tools, occasional performance issues.

User Experience: Users commend Ubersuggest for its affordability and ease of use, although some desire additional features for advanced SEO tasks.


This list would be incomplete without including SurferSEO. When it comes to content optimization SurferSEO works wonders

SurferSEO is a valuable addition to an SEO toolkit, particularly for optimizing on-page factors and conducting site audits. It is, however, limited when it comes to Backlink analysis and Rank tracking.

Pricing: SurferSEO offers pricing plans starting from $89 per month and a 7-day free trial

Pro: SurferSEO’s biggest hit is its content editor which has a content score feature that assesses how friendly your content is with Google when compared to the other entries on the SERP. It also offers recommendations for content formatting, like how many words you should write and how many images you should use in your content, etc.

Comparison of Paid SEO Tools



Moz Pro




Keyword Research

✓ Extensive keyword database

✓Competitor analysis

✓ Keyword difficulty score

✓ Keyword suggestions

✓ Keyword difficulty score

✓ Content explorer

✓Limited keyword data

✓ Keyword suggestions

✓Competitive analysis

On-page Optimization

✓ Site audits

✓ On-page SEO checker

✓ Site audits

✓ On-page SEO recommendations

✓ Site audits

✓ On-page SEO checker

✓ On-page Optimization,

✓ Site Audits

✓ Site audits

✓ On-page SEO recommendations

Backlink Analysis

✓ Backlink analysis

✓ Link building tool

✓ Backlink analysis

✓ Link opportunities

✓ Backlink analysis

✓ Link intersect


✓ Backlink analysis

✓ Link building tool

Rank Tracking

✓ Rank tracking

✓ Position tracking

✓ Rank tracking

✓ SERP analysis

✓ Rank tracking

✓ SERP analysis


✓ Rank tracking

✓ SERP analysis


Starting from $99.95/month

Starting from $99/month

Starting from $99/month

Starting from $89/month

Starting from $12/month

Free Trial

7-day free trial

30-day free trial

7-day trial for $7

7-day free trial

Limited free version

Keyword Research

SEMrush: Best for extensive keyword database and competitor analysis.

Ahrefs: Great for keyword difficulty score and content explorer.

Ubersuggest: Suitable for keyword suggestions and competitive analysis.

On-page Optimization

SEMrush: Offers site audits and on-page SEO checker.

Moz Pro: Provides site audits and on-page SEO recommendations.

Ubersuggest: Offers site audits and on-page SEO recommendations.

SurferSEO: Offers site audit and on-page optimization

Backlink Analysis

SEMrush: Features robust backlink analysis and a link building tool.

Moz Pro: Offers backlink analysis and link opportunities.

Ahrefs: Best for backlink analysis and link intersect.

Rank Tracking

SEMrush: Provides rank tracking and position tracking features.

Moz Pro: Offers rank tracking and SERP analysis.

Ubersuggest: Provides rank tracking and SERP analysis.

Each SEO tool excels in different areas, so consider your specific needs and budget when choosing the right tool for your SEO strategy. Whether you prioritize keyword research, on-page optimization, backlink analysis, or rank tracking, there’s a tool out there to help you achieve your goals.

The best SEO tools are highly pricey for a beginner. I combed the internet to find some free alternatives to help you get started till your website or blog starts generating income enough for you to afford the expensive tools.

Though pricey, they offer the best value for money and time when it comes to SEO compared to the free tools

Free SEO Tools for Beginners

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool provided by Google Ads that helps you find keywords relevant to your business and see their search volume, competition, and potential bid prices.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google, offering insights into your website’s performance in Google search results. It provides data on search queries, indexing status, mobile usability, and more.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that tracks and reports website traffic. It provides valuable insights into your audience, traffic sources, user behavior, and more, helping you understand how users interact with your site.


AnswerThePublic is a free tool that generates keyword ideas based on real user queries. It provides insights into what people are searching for online, helping you identify relevant topics and keywords to target in your content.

Google Trends

Google Trends allows you to explore the popularity of search queries over time and compare the relative interest of different keywords. It’s useful for identifying trending topics and monitoring the performance of keywords over time.


SEOquake is a free browser extension that provides on-page SEO audit reports, internal and external link analysis, and other useful SEO metrics directly within search engine results pages (SERPs).


SmallSEOTools offers a suite of free SEO tools, including a website SEO score checker, backlink checker, plagiarism checker, and more. It’s a convenient resource for performing basic SEO tasks without the need for paid tools.


Positioning your website or business to benefit from the enormous search traffic on google daily is the leverage you need to grow and scale online. Search Engine Optimization otherwise called SEO is pivotal to this quest. Although SEO in 2024 will be alot different from how it has been as a result of recent Google updates, but the goal remains the same and the tools shared in this guide will ensure you stay above the tide.

If you found this article helpful, kindly leave a comment and let us know which SEO tool meets your need and what other tools you would like to include in this list.

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